SFIL Publications |
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2003 |
S.C. Johnson, T.C. Bailey, M.D.
Dickey, E.K. Kim, B.J. Smith, N.A. Stacey, J.G. Ekerdt, C.G. Wilson,
A.T. Jamieson, D.J. Resnick, D.P. Mancini, W.J. Dauksher, K.J.
Nordquist, Step and Flash Imprint Lithography: Materials and
Process Developments, Proc. SPIE 5037: submitted (2003).
B.J. Smith, N.A. Stacey, J.P.
Donnelly, D.M. Onsongo, T.C. Bailey, C.J. Mackay, S.V. Sreenivasan,
S.K. Banerjee, J.G. Ekerdt, C.G. Willson,
Employing Step and
Flash Imprint Lithography for Gate Level Patterning of a MOSFET
Device, Proc SPIE 5037: submitted (2003).
T.C. Bailey, M.E. Colburn, B.J. Choi,
A. Grot, J.G. Ekerdt, S.V. Sreenivasan, C.G. Willson, Step and
Flash Imprint Lithography: A Low-Pressure, Room Temperature
Nanoimprint Patterning Process, in
Alternative Lithography. Unleashing the Potentials of Nanotechnology,
C. Sotomayor Torres, Editor. 2002, Elsevier.
2002 |
C.J. Mackay,
Development of a Baseline
Process for the Integration of Step and Flash Imprint Lithography into a
MOSFET Fabrication Process. Department of Mechanical
Engineering: M.S. Thesis. 2002, The University of Texas at Austin:
Austin, TX.
T.C. Bailey, S.C. Johnson, M.D. Dickey, B.J. Smith, A.T. Jamieson, E.K.
Kim, N.A. Stacey, D. Mancini, W.J. Dauksher, K. Nordquist, D.J. Resnick,
S.V. Sreenivasan, J.G. Ekerdt and C.G. Willson. "Recent Advances in Step
and Flash Imprint Lithography." Proc. 39th Interface
Symposium: (2002).
T.C. Bailey, S.C. Johnson,
D.J. Resnick, S.V.
Sreenivasan, J.G. Ekerdt, C.G. Willson. "Step and Flash Imprint
Lithography: An Efficient Nanoscale Printing Technology." J.
Photopolymer Sci. Tech. 15(3): 481 (2002).
D.J. Resnick, T.C. Bailey, W.J.
Dauksher, D. Mancini, K.J. Nordquist, E. Ainley, K. Gehoski, J.H. Baker,
S. Johnson, M. Meissl, S.V. Sreenivasan, J.G. Ekerdt and C.G. Willson.
"High Resolution Templates for Step and Flash Imprint Lithography."
Proc. SPIE 4688: 205 (2002).
W.J. Dauksher, K.J. Nordquist,
D.P. Mancini, D.J. Resnick, J.H. Baker, A.E. Hooper, A.A. Talin, T.C.
Bailey, A.M. Lemonds, S.V. Sreenivasan, J.G. Ekerdt and C.G. Willson.
"Characterization of and Imprint Results using ITO-based Step and Flash
Imprint Lithography Templates." J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 20(6):
2857-2861 (2002).
D.P. Mancini, K.A. Gehoski,
E.Ainley, K.J. Nordquist, D.J. Resnick, T.C. Bailey, S.V. Sreenivasan,
J.G. Ekerdt and C.G. Willson. "Hydrogen Silsesquioxane for Direct E-beam
Patterning of Step and Flash Imprint Lithography Templates." J. Vac.
Sci. Tech. B 20(6): 2896-2901 (2002).
S.V. Sreenivasan, C.G. Willson,
N.E. Schumaker and D.J. Resnick. "Cost of Ownership Analysis for
Patterning Using Step and Flash Imprint Lithography." Proc. SPIE: Proc. SPIE
4688: (2002).
D.J. Resnick, D.P. Mancini, S.V.
Sreenivasan and C.G. Willson. "Release Layers for Contact and Imprint
Lithography." Semiconductor International (June 1): (2002).
2001 |
Colburn, Step and Flash Imprint
Lithography: A Low-Pressure, Room-Temperature Nanoimprint Lithography.
Department of Chemical Engineering; Ph.D. Thesis. 2001, The University
of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX.
Nguyen, Asymmetric Fluid-Structure Dynamics
in Nanoscale Imprint Lithography. Department of Mechanical
Engineering: M.S. Thesis. 2001, The University of Texas at Austin:
Austin, TX.
M. Colburn, T. Bailey, B.J. Choi,
J.G. Ekerdt, S.V. Sreenivasan and C.G. Willson. "Development and
advantages of step and flash imprint lithography." Solid State
Technology 46(7): 67 (2001).
T. Bailey, B.J. Smith, B.J. Choi,
M. Colburn, M. Meissl, S.V. Sreenivasan, J.G. Ekerdt and C.G. Willson.
"Step and Flash Imprint Lithography: Defect Analysis." J. Vac. Sci.
Tech. B 19(6): 2806 (2001).
T.C. Bailey, D.J. Resnick, D.
Mancini, K.J. Nordquist, W.J. Dauksher, E. Ainley, A. Talin, K. Gehoski,
J.H. Baker, B.J. Choi, S. Johnson, M. Colburn, M. Meissl, S.V.
Sreenivasan, J.G. Ekerdt and C.G. Willson. "Template Fabrication Schemes
for Step and Flash Imprint Lithography." Microelectron. Eng.
61-62: 461 (2001).
B.J. Choi, M. Meissl, M. Colburn,
T. Bailey, P. Ruchhoeft, S.V. Sreenivasan, F. Prins, S. Banerjee, J.G.
Ekerdt and C.G. Willson. "Layer-to-Layer Alignment for Step and Flash
Imprint Lithography." Proc. SPIE 4343: 436-439 (2001).
B.J. Choi, S. Johnson, M.
Colburn, S.V. Sreenivasan and C.G. Willson. "Design of orientation
stages for step and flash imprint lithography." Precision Engineering
25(3): 192 (2001).
M. Colburn, A. Grot, B.J. Choi,
M. Amistoso, T. Bailey, S.V. Sreenivasan, J.G. Ekerdt and C.G. Willson.
"Patterning non-flat substrates with a low pressure, room temperature
imprint lithography process." J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 19(6):
2162 (2001).
M. Colburn, I. Suez, B.J. Choi,
M. Meissl, T. Bailey, S.V. Sreenivasan, J.G. Ekerdt and C.G. Willson.
"Characterization and Modeling of Volumetric and Mechanical Properties
for Step and Flash Imprint Lithography Photopolymers." J. Vac. Sci.
Tech. B. 19(6): 2685 (2001).
2000 |
M. Colburn, A. Grot, M. Amistoso,
B.J. Choi, T. Bailey, J. Ekerdt, S.V. Sreenivasan, J. Hollenhorst and
C.G. Willson. "Step and Flash Imprint Lithography for sub-100nm
Patterning." Proc. SPIE 3997: 453 (2000).
T. Bailey, B.J. Choi, M. Colburn,
A. Grot, M. Meissl, S. Shaya, J.G. Ekerdt, S.V. Sreenivasan and C.G.
Willson. "Step and Flash Imprint Lithography: Template surface treatment
and defect analysis." J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 18(6): 3572
T. Bailey, B.J. Choi, M. Colburn,
A. Grot, M. Meissl, M. Stewart, J.G. Ekerdt, S.V. Sreenivasan and C.G.
Willson. "Step and Flash Imprint Lithography: A Technology Review."
Future Electron Devices 11(4): 54 (2000).
B.J. Choi, S. Johnson, S.V.
Sreenivasan, M. Colburn, T. Bailey and C.G. Willson. "Partially
Constrained Compliant Stages for High Resolution Imprint Lithography."
Proc. ASME DETC2000 7B: 861 (2000).
1999 |
S.C. Johnson, Selectively Compliant
Orientation Stages for Step and Flash Imprint Lithography,
Department of Mechanical Engineering; M.S. Thesis. 1999, The University
of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX.
M. Colburn, S. Johnson, M.
Stewart, S. Damle, T. Bailey, B. Choi, M. Wedlake, T. Michaelson, S.V.
Sreenivasan, J.G. Ekerdt and C.G. Willson. "Step and Flash Imprint
Lithography: A new approach to high resolution patterning." Proc.
SPIE 3676(I): 379 (1999).
P. Ruchoeft, M. Colburn, B. Choi,
H. Noinu, S. Johnson, T. Bailey, S. Damle, M. Stewart, J.G. Ekerdt, S.V.
Sreenivasan, J.C. Wolfe and C.G. Willson. "Patterning curved surfaces:
Template generation by ion beam proximity lithography and relief
transfer by Step and Flash Imprint Lithography." J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B
17(6): 2965 (1999).
Related Publications |
D.P. Mancini, D.J. Resnick, K.A.
Gehoski, L.L. Popovich and D.Y. Chang. "Low surface energy polymeric
release coating for improved contact print lithography." Proc. SPIE:
21st Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology 4562:
593-599 (2001).
C.J. Martin, R.L. Engelstad, E.G.
Lovell, D.J. Resnick and E.J. Weisbrod. "Prediction of fabrication
distortions in step and flash imprint lithography templates." J. Vac.
Sci. Tech. B 20(6): 2891-2895 (2002).