Process Flow
Film Creation
Post-Exposure Bake
Willson Research
Available online (PDF format):Copyrights of the following
articles belong to the respective journals. These articles may be
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Tsiartas, Pavlos C.; Flanagin, Lewis W.; Henderson, Clifford L.;
Hinsberg, William D.; Sanchez, Isaac C.; Bonnecaze, Roger T.; Willson,
C. Grant "The Mechanism of Phenolic Polymer Dissolution: A New
Perspective," Macromolecules, 30(16), 4656-4664 (1997).
Flanagin, Lewis W.; McAdams, Christopher L.; Hinsberg, William D.;
Sanchez, Isaac C.; Willson, C. Grant. “Mechanism of Phenolic Polymer
Dissolution: Importance of Acid-Base Equilibria,” Macromolecules,
32(16), 5337-5343 (1999).
Flanagin, Lewis W.; Singh, Vivek K.; Willson, C. Grant. “Surface
Roughness Development During Photoresists Dissolution,” J. Vac. Sci.
Tech. B, 17(4), 1371-1379 (1999).
- Postnikov, Sergei V.; Stewart, Michael D.; Tran, Hoang Vi; Nierode,
Mark A.; Medeiros, David R.; Cao, T.; Byers, Jeffrey; Webber, Stephen
E.; Willson, C. Grant. "Study
of resolution limits due to intrinsic bias in chemically amplified
photoresists," J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. B, 17(6),
3335-3338 (1999).
Schmid, Gerard M.; Singh, Vivek K.; Flanagin, Lewis W.; Stewart, Michael
D.; Burns,
Sean D.; Willson, C. Grant. “Recent Advances in a Molecular Level
Lithography Simulation,” Proc. SPIE, 3999, 675-685 (2000).
- Gardiner, Allen B.; Burns, Sean D.; Qin, Anwei; Willson, C. Grant. "Determination
of residual casting solvent concentration gradients in resist films by
a 'halt development' technique," J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. B,
19(1), 136-141 (2001).
Schmid, Gerard M.; Smith, Mark D.; Mack, Chris A.; Singh, Vivek K.; Burns, Sean
D.; Willson, C. Grant.
“Understanding Molecular Level Effects during Post Exposure Processing,”
Proc. SPIE, 4345, 1037-1047 (2001).
Burns, Sean D.; Schmid, Gerard M.; Tsiartas, Pavlos C.; Willson, C. Grant. “Advancements to the
Critical Ionization Dissolution Model,” J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. B,
20(2), 537-543 (2002).
Gerard M. Schmid; Michael D. Stewart; Vivek K. Singh; C.G.Willson
“Spatial Distribution of Reaction Products in Positive Tone Chemically
Amplified Resists,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B, 20(1),
185-190 (2002).
Lin, Eric K.; Soles, Chris L.; Goldfarb, Dario L.; Trinque, Brian C.;
Burns, Sean
D.; Jones, Ron L.; Lenhart, Joseph L.; Angelopoulos, Marie; Willson, C.
Grant; Satija, Sushil K.; Wu, Wen-li. “Direct Measurement of the Reaction
Front in Chemically Amplified Photoresists,” Science, 297(5580),
372-375 (2002).
Schmid, Gerard M., Sean D. Burns, Pavlos C. Tsiartas, and C. Grant
Willson, “Electrostatic Effects during Dissolution of Positive Tone Photoresists,”
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 20(6), 2913-2919 (2002).
Stewart, Michael D.; Tran, Hoang V.; Schmid, Gerard M.; Stachowiak, Timothy B.;
Becker, Darren J.; Willson, C. Grant. “Acid Catalyst
Mobility in Resist Resins,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B, 20(6),
2946-2952 (2002).
Additional publications:
Flanagin, Lewis W.; McAdams, Christopher L.; Tsiartas, Pavlos C.;
Henderson, Clifford L.; Hinsberg, William D.; and Willson, C. Grant.
"Probabilistic model for the mechanism of phenolic polymer dissolution,"
Proc. SPIE, 3333, 268-277 (1998).
Flanagin, Lewis W.; Singh, Vivek K.; Willson, C. Grant. “Molecular
Model of Phenolic Polymer Dissolution in Photolithography,” Journ.
Poly. Sci., Physics, 37, 2103-2113 (1999).
Burns, Sean D.; Gardiner, Allen B.; Krukonis, V. J.; Wetmore, Paula M.;
Qin, Anwei; Willson, C. Grant “The Measurement of Concentration
Gradients in Resist Films by a ‘Halt Development’ Technique”
Proceedings of the American Chemical Society Division of Polymeric
Materials: Science and Engineering 81, 81-84 (1999).
Stewart, Michael; Postnikov, Sergei; Tran, Hoang V.; Medeiros, David;
Nierode, M. A.; Cao, T.; Byers, Jeff; Webber, Steven; Willson, C.
Grant. “Measurement of Acid Diffusivity in Thin Polymer Films Above and
Below Tg” Proc. ACS, Polym. Mat. Sci.
Eng. Div.,
81, 58 (1999).
Lewis W. Flanagin; Christopher L. McAdams; William D. Hinsberg; Isaac C.
Sanchez; C. Grant Willson “Mechanism of Phenolic Polymer Dissolution:
Importance of Acid-Base Equilibria,” Polym. Mat. Sci.
81, 469-472 (1999).
Stewart, Michael; Somervell, Mark; Tran, Hoang Vi; Postnikov, Sergei;
and Willson, C. Grant. “Study of Acid Transport Using IR Spectroscopy
and SEM” Proc. SPIE, 3999, 665-674 (2000).
Burns, Sean D.; Stewart, Michael D.; Hilfiker, J. N.; Synowicki, R. A.;
Schmid, Gerard M.; Brodsky, Colin; Willson, C. Grant. “Determining Free Volume Changes
During the PEB and PAB of a chemically Amplified Resist,” Forefront
of Lithographic Materials Research, Proc. of the 12th International
Conference on photopolymers, McAfee, New Jersey, U.S.A, 323-334 (2000).
Burns, S, Gardiner, A., Krukonis, V., Wetmore, P., Schmid, G.,
Lutkenhaus, J., Flanagin, L., and Willson, C. G. “Understanding
Nonlinear Dissolution Rates in Photoresists” Proc. SPIE, 4345,
37-49 (2001).
Stewart, M., Schmid, G., Postnikov, S., Willson, C. G. “Mechanistic
Understanding of Line End Shortening” Proc. SPIE, 4345,
10-18 (2001).
Stewart, Michael D.; Becker, Darren J.; Stachowiak, Timothy B.; Schmid, Gerard M.;
Michaelson, Timothy B.; Willson, C. Grant. “Acid Mobility in
Chemically Amplified Photoresists,” presented at SPIE Microlithography
2002 annual meeting.
Schmid, Gerard M.; Burns, Sean D.; Stewart, Michael D.; Willson, C.
Grant. “Mesoscale simulation of positive tone chemically amplified photoresists,” presented at SPIE Microlithography 2002 annual meeting.
Burns, Sean D.; Medeiros, David R.; Johnson, Heather F.; Wallraff, Greg A.;
Hinsbeg, William D.; Willson, C. Grant. “The Effect of Humidity on
the Deprotection Kinetics of Chemically Amplified Resists,” Proc. SPIE,
2002, (submitted February 2002)