
1. Taylor, J. Christopher; LeSuer, Robert J.; Chambers, Charles R.; Fan, Fu-Ren F.; Bard, Allen J.; Conley, Willard E.; Willson, C. Grant. “Experimental Techniques for Detection of Components Extracted from Model 193 nm Immersion Lithography Photoresists,” Chemistry of Materials 2005, 17, 4194-4203.
2. Taylor, J. Christopher; Shayib, Ramzy; Goh, Sumarlin; Chambers, Charles R.; Conley, Will; Lin, Shang-Ho; Willson, C. Grant. “Fluids and resists for hyper NA immersion lithography,” Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 2005, 5753, 836-846.
3. Conley, Will; LeSuer, Robert J.; Fan, Frank F.; Bard, Allen J.; Taylor, Chris; Tsiartas, Pavlos;; Willson, Grant; Romano, Andrew; Dammel, Ralph. “Understanding the Photoresist Surface Liquid Interface for ArF Immersion Lithography,” Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 2005, 5753, 64-77.
4. Taylor, J. Christopher; Chambers, Charles R.; Shayib, Ramzy M.; LeSuer, Robert J.; Conley, Willard E.; Wilson, C. Grant.  “Immersion lithography: moving microlithography to nanolithography,” AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings 2004.
5. Taylor, J. Christopher; Chambers, Charles R.; Deschner, Ryan; LeSuer, Robert J.; Conley, Willard E.; Burns, Sean D.; Willson, C. G. “Implications of immersion lithography on 193-nm photoresists.” Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 2004, 5376(Pt. 1, Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XXI), 34-43.
6 LeSuer, Robert J.; Fan, Fu-Ren F.; Bard, Allen J.; Taylor, J. Christopher; Tsiartas, Pavlos; Willson, Grant; Conley, Willard E.; Feit, Gene; Kunz, Roderick R. “Using scanning electrochemical microscopy to probe chemistry at the solid-liquid interface in chemically amplified immersion lithography,” Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 2004, 5376 (Pt. 1, Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XXI), 115-125.