B. M. Rathsack, C. E. Tabery, T. B. Stachowiak, J. Albelo and C.G. Willson,
"Simulation Based Formulation of a Non-Chemically Amplified Resist for 257nm Laser Mask Fabrication "
Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XVII, February 2000, SPIE
Vol. 3999-61 (Presentation)
B. M. Rathsack, C. E. Tabery, T. B. Stachowiak, T. Dallas, C. B. Xu and C.G. Willson;
"Characterization of a non-chemically amplified resist for photomask fabrication using a 257 nm optical pattern generator."
BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology. September 1999. SPIE Vol. 3873 p. 80-91. (Presentation)
B. M. Rathsack, C. E.
Tabery, C. E. Philbin and C. G. Willson; "Lithography
simulation of Sub-0.30 micron resist features for
photomask fabrication uning I-line optical pattern
generators." BACUS Symposium on Photomask
Technology. September 1999. SPIE Vol. 3873 p. 484-492.
B. M. Rathsack, C. E.
Tabery, S. A. Scheer, C. L. Henderson, M. Pochkowski,
C. Philbin, P. D. Buck and C. G. Willson; "Photoresist
optimization and process simulation for laser
photomask lithography." Proc. SPIE Vol.
3678, p. 1215-1226, 1999. (Presentation)
B. M. Rathsack, C. E.
Tabery, S. A. Scheer, C. L. Henderson and C. G.
Willson; "Photoresist optimization for laser
photomask lithography." Techcon 1998.
C. L. Henderson, S.
A. Scheer, P. C. Tsiartas, B. M. Rathsack, J. P. Sagan,
R. R. Dammel and C. G. Willson; "Modeling
parameter extraction for DNQ-Novolac Thick Film
Resists." Proc. SPIE Vol. 3333, p. 256-267,