Acid Diffusion Publications/Conference Papers "Mechanistic understanding of line end shortening" M.D.
Stewart, G.M. Schmid, S.V. Postnikov, C.G. Willson Advances
in Resist Technology, Proc. SPIE.
(In press) “Determining
free volume changes during the PEB and PAB of a chemically amplified
resist” S.D.
Burns, M.D. Stewart, J.N. Hilfiker, R.A. Synowicki, G.M. Schmid, C.
Brodsky, C.G. Willson, 12th International Conference on
Photopolymers, Oct. 16 2000. "Study
of acid transport using IR spectroscopy and SEM"
D. Stewart, M. H. Somervell, H. V. Tran, S. V. Postnikov, C. G. Willson Proc.
SPIE, 3999, 665-674, (2000)
of acid diffusion in thin polymer films above and below Tg"
D. Stewart, S.V. Postnikov, H.V. Tran, D. R. Medeiros, M. A. Nierode, T.
Cao, J. Byers, S. E. Webber, C. G. Willson; ACS
Polymeric Mat. Sci. Eng., 81,
58, 1999. "A
Study of Resolution Limits Due to Intrinsic
in Chemically Amplified Photoresists" S. V. Postnikov, M. D. Stewart, H.V. Tran, M. A. Nierode, D. R. Medeiros, T. Cao, J. Byers, S. E. Webber, C. G. Willson; J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. 17(6), 3335, 1999. | |