Jianjun Hao
Dr. Jianjun
Hao (Fred) obtained his Ph.D in organic and polymeric
materials in Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2002. His doctoral
work was focused on dendritic macromolecule synthesis. As a
chief researcher of Technology of License Organization of Titech,
he has undertaken a R&D project from Hitachi Research Laboratory
until 2004. During this period, he was aimed at high K materials
and their embedded capacitor processing for multi-layered
printed wiring board. He joined Dr. Willson's group in late
2004. His current research work is related to direct imprinting
of low K materials for dual damascene processing.
aspect in polymer chemistry, especially in dendritic
macromolecule, polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS),
silicone, heterocyclic and aromatic chemistry
High K
materials for embedded capacitor
Low K
materials for direct imprinting in dual damascene processing
High temperature thermosetting matrix and high performance