Michael Dickey
Student - Chemical
Office: CPE 3.154
Phone: (512)-471-6364
Email: dickey@che.utexas.edu
Michael Dickey is a Graduate Student in the Department of
Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin.
Michael earned his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from
Georgia Institute of Technology in 1999. From 1999 to 2001
Michael was employed by Merck. He enrolled as a Phd student at
the University of Texas at Austin in Fall 2001 and earned his
M.S. degree in 2003. Research Interests: Michael's
research interests include alternative patterning
techniques, novel materials, and self-assembly.
Awards and Honors:
NSF Graduate Fellow 2001-2004
Intel Fellow 2005-2006
Full Resume'(PDF). |